On Friday, December 20, Channel One showed the 11th edition of the vocal show "Voice" - the quarterfinal of the eighth season. From this stage, participants compete live, and now not only members of the jury, but also viewers can evaluate their performances.

Starting this season, you can cast your vote for the contestant you like only with the help of SMS messages - at the same time, you need to wait for a response notification confirming the action.

By the beginning of the quarterfinal stage, three vocalists remained in each team. Polina Gagarina, Konstantin Meladze, Valery Syutkin and Sergey Shnurov together with the audience needed to determine which four duets will continue to participate in the project, and who will leave the race.

The quarter finals were opened by the wards of Polina Gagarina - Yev Nabiev, Alana Chochiev and Anastasia Markova. Markova was the first to perform the song “Comet” by the Azerbaijani artist Jahid Huseynli, known under the pseudonym Jony.

Gagarina Chochieva entrusted the song “Fly” to the A-Mega group, and Yves Nabiev performed Valery Meladze's hit “Beautifully”.

Konstantin Meladze and Valery Syutkin agreed that Yves Nabiev showed himself best of all. Sergei Shnurov equally liked all the numbers.

The moment of voting has come. Gagarina distributed the available 100% of the votes as follows: 20% awarded to Markova, 50% to Chochieva and 30% to Nabiyev. The opinion of the audience did not differ much from the decision of the mentor: Nabiev received the most votes - 45%, and Chochiev received 44%.

The next came the Syutkinskaya troika, as Dmitry Nagiyev put it, Elimdar Seydosmanov, Liliya Veltman and Arsen Mukendi.

Seydosmanov was the first to speak: he performed a medley of compositions “Around the Noise” of the Casta group and the Manager of the Leningrad collective.

Lilia Veltman sang a cover for Alexei Chumakov’s single “Make a Mystery”. Perhaps the most striking was Arsen Mukendi's number - the musician also performed a medley of Cola Belda's compositions “I Will Take You to the Tundra” (known by VIA Gems) and Take On Me by A-ha.

At first, the appearances of the wards of Sutkin were commented on by Cords. He focused on Mukendi’s number, noting that he didn’t like the combination of the selected songs.

According to Meladze, the wards of Syutkin turned out to be overloaded with numbers reminiscent of “burlesque” and “circus”, where “it is difficult to hear the voice”. Gagarina, on the contrary, was pleased with the speeches of the participants of the Syutkin team: “I really hope that Valery will not stop, and we will finish the Cord.”

The audience rated Mukendi's performance above all (47%), and Syutkin gave 30% to the contestant. Seidosmanov was in second place by the results of the audience’s vote, although his mentor awarded a maximum of votes. As a result, Lilia Veltman dropped out of the project.

The penultimate was the trinity of Konstantin Meladze. The first to enter the scene was Daniil Korolev with the song “At the Dawn” of the Alliance group. The cover version by Yevgeny Grishkovets, Renars Kaupers and the “Curlers” band is widely known.

Nurzhigit Subankulov got the single “Battery” of the group “Beetles”, and Asker Berbekov, who closes the performances of the trinity, got a composition from the Italian repertoire Andrea Bocelli Because We Believe.

Polina Gagarina, first of all, drew attention to the fact that there were no women left in the Meladze team, but she hastened to praise the musicians' performances. Syutkin saw the "Syutkin style" in the vocalists' numbers. Shnurov also inserted his three pennies, flattering the performance of Berbekov.

“We took songs borderline, complex, voice. The ability to deal with excitement came to the fore here. In my assessments, I reflected who managed the excitement. They sang everything great, ”Meladze commented on the numbers of his charges.

50% of Meladze’s votes were expected to go to Berbekov, 30% to Subankulov and 20% to Korolev. More than half of viewers also rated Berbekov's performance as the best (52.5%), Subankulov (28.1%) was in second place.

According to the tradition adopted last year, the vocalists of the Shnurov team were the last to perform. The first to enter the scene was Svetlana Mamresheva, who was entrusted with the song of Kristina Orbakaite “Call me”.

An penetrating cover of Decl's song “Tears” was performed by Anton Tokarev, and Ragda Khanieva sang one of the most famous songs of the group “Spleen” - “There is no way out”.

Mentors unanimously praised the performances of all members of the Shnurov team, and Meladze even noticed that the rooms have lyricism and depth. “It would seem that nobody expected this from Sergey. Once under the breath, ”he added.

Tokarev and Khanieva went to the semifinals from the trio of Shnurov - the mentor awarded them 50% and 30% of their votes, respectively. This slightly did not coincide with the opinion of the audience who preferred Hanieva (46.1%) and only then Tokarev (40.3%).

Spectators and mentors joined forces to identify the vocalists who qualified for the Voices semifinal, which will be aired on Channel One a week later, on Friday, December 27th.