With every movie she released, Netflix proves that it has become a difficult number in the entertainment industry, the factor that accounts for a thousand accounts, and a brutal beast that dominated the current award season. After the release of the Golden Globe nominations lists (the Hollywood Foreign Correspondents Association), it turned out that three Of the competitors in the field of drama, and one of the competitors in the category of comedian, produced by "Netflix" alone.

This means that the next decade will witness fierce competition among all Internet companies to enter the original productions arena, which means that the concept of cinema has completely changed, and is no longer limited to that dark hall lit by the big screen. The concept has changed and the term movie or television movie no longer carries the same meaning as it did 10 years ago. Today we have internet movies made with the standards of cinema or television and it is a new and unique phenomenon that has no precedent in the history of the entertainment industry.

And before the world absorbed this revolution that began just six years ago, Netflix changed the course of history once again by producing this movie 6 Underground, which reached a budget of $ 150 million, and the tech giant boasts about it before major Hollywood studios, such as Paramount and Warner. "And" Universal ", and the message is simple: cinema is not the only place you can watch an action movie of the highest standards! If you have a home theater system, you can enjoy this movie without leaving home.

Special footprint

"6 Underground" is the first production of "Netflix" in the category of Tentpole movies, which are multi-category films whose story is built around action scenes made for the purpose of visual dazzling, and is characterized by a high budget, and brings with it high financial return in a short time, and called this name "wedge tent" Because her performance is strong and coherent at the box office like a wedge holding a tent that prevents her from collapsing, and the studio knows through it when to release the rest of his films that are not confident in her performance. And compared to "Netflix", the financial returns are measured by the number of subscriptions.

This time Netflix collaborated with Michael Bay, who is dubbed the “Chaos Cinema Leader,” who knows Bay and keeps his films. He will get to know him during the first five minutes of this chaotic movie. Pei in the past made Bad Boys movies, The Rock and Transformers, Pain and Gain and 13 hours. They are all movies that feature one thing: a very quickly narrated story with faster action scenes that the mind may not understand.

Even so, we must acknowledge that the man was able to make his own mark, just as the rest of the strongest Hollywood directors, even if we hate his films. He who chooses to watch this movie must understand Pai's cinematic style and language, compared to other adults like Martin Scorsese. Bye is very fast and "my street" in cinematography and movies is the snack for the cinema (I mean, be amazed by the movie and go away and don't think about it after that), and Scorsese cooks his movie on low heat, and he wants you to ponder his details for weeks after watching.

No story

There is no story to remember in this film. Billionaire (Ryan Reynolds) forged his death to hide and lead a team of mercenaries who, like him, perform similar dirty tasks that governments refuse to carry out. In a film that clearly wants to be the start of a series, we see mercenaries planning a coup against a dictator in a fictional state called Targistan, and replacing him with his delinquent brother to peace.

To carry out the planned assassination of the four generals who surround him in horrific action scenes, do not ask about the rationale for this and that, and do not think about counting the dead bodies, or counting the amount of explosions per minute of the film.

Team members are only known for their numbers, Reynolds No. 1, the CIA agent (Melanie Laurent - the best performer even in such a messy movie), a hired killer (Manuel Garcia Rolfo), a boy who specializes in rooftop jumping (between Hardy), and an injured former sniper Post-traumatic stress disorder (Curry Hawkins, famous from series 24), and a woman with no identity, no clear personality, and no specific skill, looks like an addition to which Bay is involved because he was ashamed to cash her after she paid her "Netflix", and was performed by Adria Ariona. And we have the Iranian Biman Madi (from the movie "Separation"), in the role of the dictator's brother, who must be released from prison by the team, and sent to power. And Lior Raz in the role of the dictator who ends, as did Colonel Muammar Gaddafi!

We say: a trivial story at its best, and no matter how much Bai tries to put politics in his knot, it reflects that he does not understand anything because the tone of the film is inconsistent with its subject. Politics is a fat and serious substance, and it does not go with a superficial movie made for the purpose of dazzling, not meditating, for the purpose of attacking the viewer's senses, not tickling or irritating them.

Tom Cruise teasing

Bey opens his movie with a 20-minute chase that says: "Damn those who criticize me", no logic in it, and hit the laws of physics. Do not touch the remote control or your smartphone, nor consider returning something that your mind has not absorbed. Accept it because the man is adept at making chaos .. We must appreciate this talent.

We have to estimate that a man makes a chase without the use of special effects except cutting it, to jump at the time barriers (four months ago, and after six months) to write to us on the screen this past and this present, and of course it is impossible for someone to absorb something at that speed.

And just as Bay destroyed half of San Francisco in his 1996 movie "The Rock", it destroyed half the Italian city of Florence in the opening chase, which would make the late Steve McQueen, the owner of the famous classic chase in Pollet 1968, regret that he did not live to see it! The hunt for Florence is often a reference to the popular 1960's The Italian Job.

Technically, the movie consists of very fast scenes, each scene between three and four seconds. New ideas for action scenes are made to dazzle and tease Tom Cruise and the Impossible Mission team that their monopoly on this type of action is over.

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You lay off and have fun alone

We say again: The rest of the technology companies will not let Netflix lay off and frolic alone in the field, and the next decade will witness fierce competition from the Internet giants. As for the traditional Hollywood studios, they will often retreat, leaving the stage for new players, especially "Netflix", which dominated the best medium-budget films, and we see them today entering the visual dazzling cinema from its widest doors.

Melanie Laurent is the best performer, even in a messy movie like this.

The director, Bay Shoraii, is in cinematography, and his films are a snack.


One Million Dollars, the company’s boasted budget for Hollywood studios.