Just over a week ago, it was announced that Harvey Weinstein and his former film company had made up with about 30 women who accused him of sexual harassment, abuse and rape.

The settlement included $ 25 million, most of which is compensation to the women for withdrawing the charges. Weinstein, for his part, did not have to admit that he had done something wrong and did not have to pay anything out of his own pocket.

But now one of the women has jumped out of the settlement, and filed a civil lawsuit alleging that Weinstein does not have to admit his actions.

"We hope this lawsuit encourages other victims and New York State Prosecutors to join us as we continue our efforts to hold Weinstein accountable for their actions," said the woman's attorney, Douglas Wigdor.

Wigdor says he understands those who wrote during the previous settlement, but that it contained "some of the most objectionable and one-sided terms" he has seen.

That settlement has not yet come into force. Neither this nor the new lawsuit concerns the lawsuit against Weinstein, which is to begin in January, where he is charged with rape against two women.