Religious freedom is a modern term and a previous concept. As for the modern term, great ambiguity has occurred, due to the difference in cultures of those who respond to it, whereas many people of religions understand that a person can choose for himself a religion, or to live without religion, because religion is no longer a basic criterion in their lives. There was a great deal of atheism among them, and the movement between religions, so they find no embarrassment in this and no one distracts them from it, so the concept that prevailed among them, and God has wisdom in that, and it is possible that he will be guided by the books of God for guidance and he does not find an opponent, and he does not fear for himself and his position.

As for the concept of religious freedom we have with Muslims, it is that whoever is not a Muslim, there is nothing wrong with him remaining on his religion, or entering into the religion in which God sealed and transcribed religions with him, and he did not accept anything else, which is the religion of Islam that God Almighty said about: { Religion with God is Islam}, that is, the religion that God Almighty is condemned for is this Islam in which the nation of Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, was dedicated to it, and it is the religion from which the Almighty said: “And whoever seeks non-Islam is a religion, then it is not true.” God Almighty does not accept him because he is a transcriber It is well known that Islam is in its essence the religion of all the prophets, Abraham, without whom the messengers, peace and blessings be upon them all, as God Almighty said in his tongue: {Our Lord, make us Muslims for you, and from our offspring is a nation of peace, who is the peace of you The religion of your father, Abraham, is the name of you who are Muslims before.

And although it is the true religion that God does not accept a religion other than him, then whoever was not of his family at all if he was not born between two Muslim parents or one of them, or if he had not made a choice in it, he kept the freedom to be religious or not, as most of his remarks said: { Say the truth from your Lord, so whoever wants it will believe and whoever He wishes will be disbelieved}, because Islam respected the human mind, and made him free to choose the righteous or against him, so that the penalty for the choice is rewarded from reward or punishment, and yet he has sent a way through the truth The Apostle, the Seal, our master Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, so that the mind may not say: {What we came from Cher is not a harbinger}, and the divine justice among people with justice.

And his Islamic this concept many texts came in the Holy Book determined by Emma's report, as saying the Almighty: {There is no compulsion in the religion of majority has been found canceled}, and saying to the Prophet of mercy: {Had your Lord willed to secure from the earth, all of them compel people until they are believers } It is a letter of guidance and guidance to his prophet and his chosen one, who would have liked to bring people out of darkness into the light, and save them from what God had prepared for those who violated him from suffering, for what was brought to him from the graciousness of compassion and mercy, so guide him that he does not have guidance and that it is in the hands of God alone, and that He has a duty Communication only, and all this is an education for his nation and those who report it from inherited scholars and preachers.

This is the concept of freedom of religion in Islam, and it is not what some of them may understand from leaving the religion that arose or entered into it, because that is not acceptable in the law of Islam, because of the provocation of the Muslim community and the disdain for his religion, personal freedom does not violate the right of the group or The laws and regulations in force, so people should understand this concept of freedom of religion, and not exceed the limits of God Almighty or public order in Islamic countries.

In order to preserve the interest of the Muslim and the right of the group, Sharia has made religion the first of its five colleges, and the five necessities that have been established to preserve it are called abundant borders, which are religion, soul, presentation, mind and money.

A Muslim should not be deceived by the misconception that may be promoted by one who does not know Islam, and always say what Joseph, peace be upon him, called: “I have died as a Muslim and they have given me righteousness.” And what the magicians who believed in the Lord of Moses and Aaron have said:

«Grand Muftis, Director of Ifta’s Department in Dubai»

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