The magazine "Prescrire" has drawn up a new list of medicines that it considers "more dangerous than useful". Among them, names that are well known, such as Clarix and Maxilase syrups, as well as Smecta.

Clarix, Maxilase, Smecta ... The magazine "Prescrire" published Thursday a new list of drugs that it considers "more dangerous than useful". A hundred in total, including twelve who just joined the blacklist. Common drugs that should be avoided because of the risks they pose to patients.

Among them, the Maxilase syrup against sore throat causing allergic reactions sometimes serious. A concern shared by the Medicines Agency (ASNM), which wants to stop its sale in open access. It will now seek advice from his pharmacist before buying, says Dr. Jean-Michel Race. "In front of a patient known for having already made allergies, he could rather suggest to him to take a pastille, a little honey It's our grandmothers who told us it's good, and it works!"

Cardiac disorders and allergic reactions

In this blacklist, there is also Ginkgo Biloba, used for cognitive disorders of the elderly. A drug that could also cause digestive problems, convulsions or hemorrhages. Also beware of cough syrups such as Clarix or Vicks that may cause heart problems and severe allergic reactions. The review "Prescrire" recommends finally forget the Smecta: the clay in this drug would be contaminated with lead.