Hungary will not participate in the 2020 Eurovision Festival , which next year is held in Rotterdam, considering it a "too gay" contest .

The MTMA , the Hungarian public television, has not explained the reasons for the withdrawal officially. However, The Guardian points out that the reason is because the competition is "too gay." The British media collects statements from the workers of the chain, who interpret that the decision is related to the openness and tolerance to the LGTBI culture of the event.

The same sources indicate that Hungary's withdrawal from the festival has not been a surprise since state television does not offer positive coverage related to the rights of the collective. The only exception is the celebration of Gay Pride Day in the capital.

András Bencsik , a commentator on a pro-government television channel, has referred to the festival as "a homosexual flotilla" and has said that not participating benefits the mental health of Hungary.

The decision of Hungary to withdraw from the contest comes at a time of rising homophobic discourse in the country, governed by the ultra-rightist Viktor Orbán . In recent months, a member of the Orbán party called for a boycott of Coca-Cola after an advertising campaign with photographs of a gay couple. Likewise, the president of the Hungarian parliament has compared the defenders of equal marriage with pedophiles.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Eurovision

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