Stressed by nature, Clara Luciani had to find remedies to relax because the notoriety has not arranged anything, as she explained Wednesday at the microphone of Matthew Christmas in L'Equipée sauvage, on Europe 1.


Wednesday, in L'Equipée sauvage , Matthieu Noël received the singer Clara Luciani. The opportunity to learn about one of the new faces of the French song and better understand the person behind the singer. And, in this case, Clara Luciani is a great stressor!

She explains, for example, that she could never have participated in a show like The Voice , broadcast on TF1, while some try to use this kind of shows as a springboard. "I do not have the personality for," she explains. "When I was 19, I would have been far too fragile to be exposed like this overnight." "Still today, it's hard for me to get on television," she says again.

Knitting as a refuge

To cope with stress, the singer has a solution: knitting! She tells an anecdote of the time when she sang in the first part of Benjamin Biolay. "One day, Benjamin came into my dressing room and I was almost ashamed, I was with my needles and my garter and he told me 'It's more what it was rock'n'roll' He then closed the door and left, "smiles the singer.