The 63-year-old Indian suffering did not stop at congenital malformations, with many fingers in her feet and hands, as she also suffered from ill-treatment and comments from her neighbors.
The newspaper "Russia Today" quoted the «Daily Mail» British that Nayak Kumar was born
With 19 fingers in her feet and 12 in her hands, she "barely leaves her home in Gangam district of the Indian state of Odisha, because the residents are mistreating her because of her anomaly."

"She hasn't been able to get treatment for years, because her family didn't have enough money for that, which made her learn to live with bad comments, and often she stays at home to avoid it."

"I was born with this disadvantage. I could not get treatment because I belonged to a poor family," she said. "63 years have passed and I am in this state of life today.