“The fact is that football is, of course, a terrible thing. And when football comes to the cultural capital of Russia, the cultural capital of Russia must make this football not visible, ”Piotrovsky joked during a conversation with RT at the VIII St. Petersburg International Cultural Forum.

He emphasized that they would prepare an extensive cultural program in St. Petersburg so that "the crowd would be divided into people who individually perceive the world."

To this end, special excursions will be held at the Hermitage General Headquarters; broadcasts of the most interesting goals are planned on screens in the museum. In addition, museum staff will prepare special billboards that will feature paintings from countries participating in the championship.

“The aesthetic part of football, as a rule, is not noticed. Fan thing - from another opera. Football has beauty, but there is a crowd, ”said Piotrovsky and added that he and his colleagues will try to“ obscure ”football, recall that this sport came to the city of high culture and is only part of the general culture of St. Petersburg.

“A part of St. Petersburg culture is the Zenit football team. We have a special agreement with Zenit. He made paintings based on Malevich's “Black Square” (“Blue Square”, because the team is white and blue). Then they sold these paintings, the money went to charity organizations. We intend to do the same with the players who will come. Maybe with the Russian team, if any, others. If there are those who can draw there, then we will do the same as we did with Zenit. We must squeeze football, make it more aesthetic. This is not easy, but in Russia we can do it, ”concluded the director of the Hermitage.

Earlier, the site kp.ru reported that the program of public events Euro 2020 will be presented as part of the St. Petersburg International Cultural Forum.