In "L'Equipée sauvage" on Europe 1, the designer evokes his new comic work, "50 shades of Greek", co-written with Charles Pépin.


"To fully understand the contemporary society that surrounds us with the lens of Greek mythology": this is the challenge of the designer Jul and the philosopher Charles Pépin, who have joined to give birth to 50 shades of Greek .

The duo had already written and put in image The Planet of the Wise , in 2011. "As soon as there is something that disturbs us today, there is a myth that corresponds," says Jul in L'Equipée sauvage . "One can find answers for all the little questions of life," he adds.

"There are so many heroes, bedtime, passions, suspense"

At the microphone of Europe 1, the author and scriptwriter even goes so far as to compare Greek mythology with ... a telenovela. "There are so many heroes, bedtime, passions, suspense," Jul list. According to him, all the story lines are already present in works such as Ovid 's Metamorphoses or the Iliad and Homer ' s Odyssey . "From Star Wars to Dallas , through the Fires of Love and Most Beautiful Life , all popular culture has pumped its ideas on Greek mythology," says cartoonist.