Although a new situation has arisen in Syria with the launch of the Turkish military "spring of peace", this situation has not yet reached its desired goal of stability. Indeed, it is only natural that there will be no stability as long as there is no lasting solution there.

However, the Turkish operation was an absolute necessity and an urgent solution to many problems, and this process was certainly able to determine the balance in Syria again. There were key long-term strategic objectives set by Turkey during its military operation:

Protecting its southern borders against the dangers and threats it faces.
2. Establishing a safe area through which to end the waves of immigration coming from Syria to Turkey, to contain it inside Syria, and to secure the return of those who wish to reside in Syria to Turkey.
3. Protecting the territorial integrity of Syria, preventing the loss of land that provides for the handover of Syria to its people, and standing up to formations that threaten internal peace there.

On the other hand, we can only ask those who were suddenly found in Syria, and in return question the legitimacy and eligibility of the Turkish military operation, which Ankara originally launched in order to defend its borders and ward off threats coming from there;

We can only ask those who have suddenly been found in Syria, and in return question the legitimacy and eligibility of the Turkish military operation, which Ankara originally launched to defend its borders and ward off threats coming from there; we ask them: What are you busy there?

Those who are there always; And what are they doing? What are they planning for Syria's future? When these questions are looked at, it will be clear who is in Syria? Does he have legitimacy to stay there or not?

When this is really seen, it is necessary to say, first of all, that only Turkey thinks about the Syrians and the territorial integrity of Syria and offers a solution based on keeping Syria only for the Syrians. If you want, let's review them one by one:

1.The Syrian regime : Bashar al-Assad no longer has the ability to unite all the Syrian people;

One can expect such a person - if he remains in power - only further instability and division, loss of security, mass massacres and the most egregious violation of human rights. Even the areas he controls - with the support of Russia and Iran - can survive only with the ugliest pressure regimes, and nothing else.

2 - Russia : In addition to the fact that Moscow is a partner in the criminality of the dictator who kills his people; it also does not have a grain of thought in the status of the Syrians and unification, and only interested in its own interests only.

Russia views Syria as an area to expand its influence and establish bases on its territory, and does not care how many innocent people have been killed without it? Or to what extent was the regime violating human rights?

3. Iran : Tehran also views Syria as an arena for expanding its political influence only. Even if we believe the story of the front of resistance or resistance against Zionism;

The number of civilians killed and still killed by the Iranian-backed Assad regime has many times outnumbered the Palestinian deaths at the hands of Israel. While this is the case, the Zionist vision is being applied to their hands.

There is no plan and no intention of Iran to preserve the unity and territorial integrity of the Syrian people at all. There may be an Iranian plan in Syria, but it is conditional on Syria being a completely inhumane Shiite state.

4 - United States : Washington came to Syria, claiming that its arrival aims to eliminate a dictator who kills his people, and uses chemical weapons against him, and is a guard and protector of terrorism. The US administration thus gained international legitimacy at the time, but soon after its arrival in Syria, it completely changed its plan, and revised it, making the fight against ISIS a priority.

While Russia, Iran and the United States - and their PYD organization - are doing their actions in Syria, the Arab League only remembered that it was Arab when Turkey launched a military operation against an organization that was already ethnically cleansing against Arabs.

To fight such a struggle, Washington allied itself with another terrorist organization, the Democratic Union Party (PYD), and supported it until it rebelled and was forced. It is in fact only a plaything used to divide Syria, and to practice ethnic cleansing that cannot be lived. Safely at all.

So, we are facing a "United States" whose criminal file expands whenever it insists on staying in Syria, and therefore trust that there is no American plan and vision for a unified, safe and human future in Syria.

5 - Arab League : Yes; there is also the Arab League, which can not understand what you did in Syria? Who supports or against whom you fight there? There is no clear vision for this university to determine which Syria it wants?

While Russia, Iran and the United States - and their PYD - play their actions in Syria, the Arab League did not remember that it was Arab until Turkey launched a military operation against an organization that is already ethnically cleansing against the Arabs.

The Arab League remembers the Arabism of Syria, and it seems to be a recall of memory after a long loss. But when all past experiences are neglected, remembering is ridiculous.

After reviewing this painting in all its details, it is very clear that Turkey is the only country that develops a policy that views Syria through its unity and stability, and that it belongs to the Syrian people alone and not to anyone else.