President Trump is distinguished from his predecessors by sincerity and directness, said Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. All American presidents wanted to grab more of someone else's good. Oil, territories, gold, plants - they all wanted to get their hands on. But before Trump, they always looked for soul-saving arguments. Not oil, but the salvation of unfortunate Kurds, or Sunnis, or Jews. Not factories, but the defense of democracy. Not territories, but self-determination. Of course, even then it was an empty chatter that only a professor at the Higher School of Economics in Moscow could fall into. But Trump, direct and sincere, like an eighth-grader boy, blurted out a hidden secret: “I want Syrian oil!”

He wants oil, it costs money, it makes a profit. And he does not want it to go to the Syrians, the rightful owners - after all, the Syrians will be able to rebuild their destroyed power on oil revenues, instead of standing with a cap in their hands at the front door of the State Department. The United States and its regional allies, Israel and Saudi Arabia, want Syria to be poor, miserable, destroyed, and preferably broken to pieces and embroiled in a civil war. So that everyone looks and remembers: this is what will become of the country, which was an ally of Russia. But Russia has a different wish - that Syria emerges from the civil war, rebuilds itself, regains its scattered sons and daughters, and begins to live a calm, peaceful life. For this, oil is needed. And for this, the Americans must leave.

President Trump wanted to withdraw his troops, return the soldiers home. But as soon as he began the withdrawal of troops, he was attacked by both his Democratic enemies and the "Israeli lobby", and there were many Republicans in it. “How dare you withdraw your troops!” - shouted to him in the Senate and Congress. “Quickly return to the place!” And Trump, feeling the extreme limitation of his strength, succumbed. He canceled the order to withdraw troops and even ordered the construction of two permanent new bases in the area of ​​oil fields.

The American press is silent about this development. She is as obedient as Pravda under Brezhnev. I watched the other day an interview with Margarita Simonyan, where the chief editor of RT told how the American press works. They had a complete merger of special services and the media. The former chief of staff come to the post of chief editor and do not leave a connection with his old service for a moment.

Therefore, there the media reports about and only about what the special services need. And the State Department is not a separate department in the system, but only the visible part of the same apparatus.

Margarita gave an example: when in 2007 there were demonstrations in Burma and Georgia, the American media covered only Burma (Myanmar), and Georgia was not mentioned. Margarita asked CNN chief editor: why so? And he replied: the State Department is interested in the events in Burma, which means it should be interesting to the Americans. And the State Department is not interested in the events in Georgia (there were violent protests against Saakashvili). This means that American citizens do not need to know about this either.

So now - a rare American media drew attention to the order of Trump to build new bases in Syria. Only marginal sites noted that government lawyers were puzzled: how to legally explain and justify the direct brazen robbery of someone else's good? Previously, they referred to Congressional permission from 2001 to fight with those associated with the attack on the twin towers. And with this permission they justified the war in Iraq, and the intervention in Syria, and the occupation of Afghanistan. But it’s very difficult, American government lawyers say, citing this long-standing permit, to fight the army of the Syrian Arab Republic.

In Russia, the situation is different. In Russia, the freest press in the world. Perhaps too loose. Unlike the United States, the press also operates in Russia, which is completely on the side of the strategic adversary. Remember how they were outraged, how they exposed the “mercenaries of the Kremlin cook” who were trying to protect the oil fields of Syria? But in the United States, everyone is happy that these fields remain under American control. And Trump has already said that he is going to give the fields to the American oil company. Let it shake, and the American army guard.

The Russian Foreign Ministry issued a statement condemning the robbery of Syrian oil, and demanded that the Americans retire. Russia raised this topic in the UN Security Council. After all, talk about the "unfortunate Kurds" was conducted in order to continue to pump Syrian oil. It is necessary to suppress the withdrawal of American troops - they themselves will not leave. So at the time, the withdrawal from Vietnam took many years of constant fighting and bloodshed. And the media should do their job and remind readers (listeners, viewers) of this robbery in broad daylight.

The author’s point of view may not coincide with the position of the publisher.