Designer Ghassan Salama, curator of the exhibition «Madar», within the Dubai Design Week, which will be launched on the sixth of next month, that he seeks through the designs highlighted by the selection of works that bear the characteristics of innovation, elements based on the concept of sustainability, in addition to focusing on Talents that take into account how to protect the environment and the positive impact that society offers through design. Salama, speaking to «Emirates Today», about the exhibition in detail, and presented some aspects and what it will offer differences in the field of design, in addition to highlighting his work and experience in this area.

“The aim of this exhibition is to highlight what is happening in the world of design in the Arab countries, because the basic idea is not to show designs when they are finished, but to shed light on the institutions, people, organizations and initiatives that support design in There will be a large area with content from more than 50 sources, which are studies and reports on the reality of design in the region, in Beirut, Amman and Cairo. We will also deal with measuring the size of creative industries in the region, the number of designers who started the field, and showcasing developments that Affects the field ». He pointed out that the exhibition is based on research into the background idea of ​​the creative industries, and their role and importance in the local economy, with highlighting the role of the designer in terms of social, and how there are solutions related to the problems associated with pollution and climate change and some of the issues surrounding it in society.

It takes a lot of time to search for designers for the exhibition, and Salama searches for institutions and individuals, and communicated with people in several cities, including Amman, Beirut and Cairo, and they were able to help him to find who will be in the exhibition, as he wants to highlight initiatives Individual that needs to be supported in starting. "When I started in the design world, there was no floor to help the designer, so I constantly seek to illuminate the individuals who started working alone, as well as the institutions that aim to promote cultural production in the country," he said. He stressed that he chooses designers who design designs that help the environment and provide solutions to problems facing people, in addition to designs with influential meaning, because innovation in the provision of commercial tools is very important.

Technology is one of the main sections of the exhibition, according to Salama, as will be the designs that carry this aspect, in addition to designs taken from the world of handicrafts, in order to illuminate the state of today, and who designers working in the field of crafts, and how they play a role Positively in their support. There will also be a section on designers offering innovations and tests, through their initiatives and how to use sustainable or recycled materials, as well as the presentation of the work of leading designers in the field of design through technological programs, and these have an important role to reduce waste resulting from industries, because the way they work It is very specific, and when a design is prepared it is important to take into account the social impact that the design has on the community, the environment and the people who are being dealt with. This is called responsible design.

World wide

Ghassan Salameh pointed out that design is a wide world that includes graphic art, planning and animations, but the design week in Dubai is moving more towards furniture, because there is demand and need in the market for furniture, and it is very important that the designer meets the needs of the market, especially in relation to homes, restaurants, hotels and offices, But this year the focus will be on the design of objects and industry, and under this section falls a lot of things, including lighting and furniture, especially since «Downtown Design» show more furniture.

Salama stressed the importance of the design week stemming from the fact that Dubai is a big market for design, as well as providing opportunities for designers and introduce them to the market in order to find jobs, the designer needs to be asked to work continuously in order to be able to produce permanently, and this means providing opportunities to develop Their experience.

Do with design

Ghassan Salama's relationship with design began 10 years ago. “I went into the design world,” he said. “I always knew I would be in the art and design field, but there were not many clear options at the time. The only option was to study Graphic Design. My father was a craftsman and worked with metal, and I liked the idea of ​​making something myself and not working from behind the computer. I worked in many fields until I traveled and completed my masters in Spain. When I returned to Beirut in 2013, I started my studio and worked a lot on lighting » . “During my work, I learned how to develop investment in the region, through the Design Week, and then decided to do a job and have a cosplay role where I could use my personal experience.”

Ghassan Salameh:

«The exhibition aims to highlight what is happening in the world of design in the Arab countries, and initiatives that support design».