"What drives a famous scientist to end his life and subject to euthanasia?" .. From this question, the writer of the United Arab Emirates Mana Al Muaini in his new novel «Taher - Mut Rahim» launched at the Sharjah International Book Fair in its 38th session.

The author revealed in an interview with «Emirates Today» that he suffered a difficult psychological situation during the writing of the novel as a result of its impact, explaining that the choice of a thorny issue - such as euthanasia - to be the focus of his novel came after a deep thought, and follow-up controversy that arises from time to time.

He added: «There are cases and topics attached to the mind of the author, and ask him urgent questions, and often I wondered when I see patients bedridden What if it was in the hands of a family member subjected to euthanasia, would he dare to do so? On the other hand, I always try to be different in the ideas that I address and in the way of presentation ».

He continued: «When I read some articles and watched videos related to the cause of euthanasia, I thought for a moment whether to write about this topic or not, and within me is certain that it is difficult to accept the idea of ​​people, and the biggest challenge was writing about this topic in a manner commensurate with the Arab reality, and there was Another challenge is to choose the place of events, because this is difficult to happen in Muslim countries, because opinions prohibit euthanasia in all heavenly religions based on the fact that life is a gift from the Lord of the Worlds and no one can take it away except the Creator. Those answers during the search ».

work nature

As for the nature of the work, and whether it falls under the classification of scientific or philosophical novels; Al-Muaini pointed out that he did not pay attention to the classification, but generally revolves in a social template, pointing out that writing the novel took nearly three months, as the idea matured in his mind last March, He began his research before he began writing to end in July. He continued: «During the writing of the novel I went through a very difficult psychological situation, which made me think of abstinence from writing, and with difficulty I resisted this idea, and I do not know what motivated me to continue».

Al-Moaini, who carried his first book, “Tales of the Field,” explained that fiction is not necessarily based on true stories and facts. The imagination is the most distinguishing feature of the writer. “For me, the novel was written in complete calmness and impartiality without bias, and let events take its course without controlling it.” .

The author needed to conduct an extensive research on the subject of euthanasia from various social, humanitarian, religious and scientific bodies, as well as in the cases that have been subjected to it, and the possibility of applying this matter in the Arab world after following certain procedures.

Between two experiences

Al-Muaini stressed that there is a big difference between the new novel and his previous book «Hakaya al-Maidan», which served as a memoir dealing with his experience in the national service, while the novel «Taher - death Rahim» is a literary work falls within a creative framework based on events and personalities of fiction, a difference Large.

He continued: «This novel is issued to me after my last novel in 2015, and I hope that my style and my proposal has developed more than before, and this is what I always seek and never, and I am currently working on a number of works, including the novel Fantasia talks about the end of the world, and how "A hero from the UAE will try to save the world."

"Fast food"

Mani al-Ma'ini described recent writings, which the authors believe reflect the spirit of the times and are in line with the dominance of social media on the lives of young people, where these works are characterized by speed and dealt with light topics related to social relations, mostly «fast food», «as is It is known that these meals do more harm than good, although some of them have achieved widespread regardless of their level, but this does not necessarily mean that the writer will continue to write in this way, it may develop one day, and realize that what he wrote was a normal work, and should work more To develop his writing abilities to deliver More complete work. ”


"The novel was written in complete calmness and impartiality, without prejudice.