The jury of the National History Prize of Spain, meeting today at the Ministry of Culture and Sports, has proposed Anna Caballé to be awarded the National History Prize of Spain, corresponding to 2019, for her work Concepción Arenal, the walker and his shadow The prize, awarded by the Ministry of Culture and Sports, is endowed with 20,000 euros.

The jury has chosen this work "for meeting all the requirements of excellence in a work of history: historiographic and methodological novelty , plurality of sources and a scientific and rigorous approach to the biographical study of a character not yet sufficiently known but important in the history of Spain".

Ana María Caballé Masforroll (Hospitalet de Llobregat, 1954) is a tenured professor of Spanish Literature at the University of Barcelona , and author of more than a dozen works related to her specialty, according to the Ministry, the analysis of auto / biographical literature and about a hundred articles in specialized magazines and collective works.

Its titles include: Life and work of Paulino Masip (1998); Ink daffodils Essay on autobiography in Spanish language (1995); Francisco Umbral. The cold of a life (2004); Life written by women (2003, 2004); Five conversations with Carlos Castilla del Pino (2005); A brief history of misogyny (2006); Carmen Laforet, a woman on the run , in collaboration with Israel Rolón, Gaziel Memory Prize in 2009; Feminism in Spain. The long conquest of a right (2013); Why Spain? Memories of American Hispanicism , in collaboration with Randolph Pope (2014); Or, I spent the morning writing. Poetics of Spanish diarism , Manuel Alvar Prize for Humanistic Studies 2015.

Caballé has been a visiting professor at Wszechnica Polska (Warsaw), University of Virginia (United States) and Pontifical University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS, Brazil). She was also editor of the magazine Memoria. Journal of Biographical Studies between 1996 and 2007, published by the Servei de Publicacions of the University of Barcelona. She is currently the president of the Classic and Modern association.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Feminism

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