English Private Examination Opinion for Student Relief and Review of the System November 5, 17:16

In response to the postponement of the introduction of the English private examination to the university entrance examination, a reference question was held at the House of Education in the House of Representatives by inviting school officials. The reference person asked for the relief of the students who had been studying for the examination and the fundamental review of the system.

In this, Mr. Satoshi Yoshida of the Japan Private Junior High School High School Association, who asked for implementation as planned, “I am clearly confused. The children study the four skills of“ read, write, listen, speak ”. When I was in my second year of high school, I was told that 4 skills were suddenly unnecessary, and it was natural that I was lost, so I had to avoid postponing anything. I would like the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology to take the lead in helping the children who came. "

Mr. Sakakibara, Chairman of the National High School Directors' Association, who has requested postponement, said, “The principal who has taken the decision that postponement was decided immediately before the application for the common ID required for the examination was started has prevented further confusion. I would like the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology to work on a radical review of the system in order to resolve the economic situation and regional disparities, as well as ensuring fairness and fairness. It was.

Masaki School Company length Yamazaki of Benesse Corporation, which operates the private test was carried out plans have been continued efforts to expand its take place until the "already standing the prospect of about 350 venues across the country, March further next year. Local It was true that there weren't enough venues to go, and that was a big challenge. " In response to a question from lawmakers about whether to ask for damages, Mr. Yamasaki stated that “It is actually honest that we have not yet considered it.”

Yumi Hatou, a professor at Kyoto Institute of Technology, who is familiar with English language education, said, “It was almost impossible to realize the system when the policy of using multiple private examinations was finalized. I have come to this point without listening, and I would like you to draw conclusions that will restore the trust of young people who were disappointed by the uproar. "

Komei Yamaguchi: “Establishing fairness is important”

Mr. Yamaguchi of the Komeito Party said at the press conference, “University exams are important to ensure a fair foundation for all candidates. It is desirable to conduct exams that will make a big difference depending on where you live and your economic power. No. I stopped, so I would like you to make a fundamental effort to eliminate concerns and confusion. "

He also stated that the introduction of descriptive questions to the university entrance examinations should be “maximum consideration should be given to ensure fairness and appropriateness of evaluation”.

Fukuyama Secretary-General “Confusion of high school students continues”

The Fukuyama Secretary of the Constitutional Democratic Party said at the press conference, “The Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology,“ I hope you can do my best according to your height ”was introduced on the premise of the introduction. High school students continue to be confused, and the question of the descriptive questions introduced in the university entrance exams has become a major issue due to the question from the high school students about the scoring method. I would like to pursue it at meetings, etc. "

Company Secretary Yoshikawa “Reservations are refunded at the national responsibility”

Mr. Yoshikawa of the Social Democratic Party said at the press conference, “The background of the introduction is very unclear, and I would like to clarify what the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology discussed and why. The 3000 yen reservation fee received by the government must be properly refunded at the national responsibility. "

Regarding the introduction of the descriptive question to the university entrance common test, he said, “I think we cannot guarantee fairness by not eliminating part-time jobs from the graders. We want to postpone or cancel the introduction.”