Since 2015, author and publisher Gui Minhai has been detained in China without trial or judgment. No one knows for certain what Minhai is being accused of, but the Chinese authorities have admitted that he is "subject to coercive measures", something the Cultural News has previously reported.

On November 15, on the day of imprisoned writers, the organization awards the Swedish PEN Gui Minhai 2019 Tucholsky Prize - an award that is awarded each year to a persecuted, threatened or fugitive writer or publicist.

"The prize is given to Minhai's work for the free word"

“For many years, Gui Minhai ran a publishing house and bookstore based in Hong Kong. He wrote himself and published others. A work in the service of freedom of expression. For this, Gui Minhai was imprisoned. The award is given to his tireless work for the free word, in support of his release and the right to resume his publicist activities. ”The jury writes in its justification.

- We are very happy to be able to give the award to Gui Minhai, even though he cannot receive it himself because of his captivity. PEN will work for his case until the day he is released, says Jesper Bengtsson, chairman of Swedish PEN, in a press release.

Inadequate press freedom

China is ranked 177 out of 180 nations in Reporters Without Borders Press Freedom Index, and according to Swedish PEN, the deprivation of liberty by Gui Minhai is a clear sign that China's freedom of press and expression has greatly deteriorated. Since the disappearance, Swedish PEN and many other press and human rights organizations have worked for Gui Minhai's release.