1,290 medications are lowered on Friday, including active ingredients such as ibuprofen , the antidepressant duloxetine , the antipsychotic risperidone or the antiasthmatic budesonide , as recalled by the General Council of Official Pharmaceutical Colleges (Cgcof). In addition, the National Health System now finances the drug PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) to prevent HIV in people at high risk.

The entry into force this Friday of the Order of Reference Prices of 2019 , published in the Official State Gazette (BOE) on September 19, lowers the prices of 1,290 presentations of community pharmacy drugs, which will reduce the public bill of medicines in more than 39 million euros , according to the calculations of the Ministry of Health, Consumption and Social Welfare.

Because of their weight in reducing the community pharmacy bill, there are drugs that have suffered drops of up to 80% . In this group are anti-inflammatory, anti-glaucoma, opioid or antipsychotic analgesics. Thus, the 10 active ingredients with the greatest impact on the decline represent 89% of the invoice reduction.

However, the president of Cgcof, Jesús Aguilar, warned that " this price drop adds to the one that was applied in January , and the adjustments that occur monthly, a progressive wear that is impacting the more than 22,000 pharmacies, especially the smallest and rural ones. "

Sustainability of the Health System

Given this fact, Aguilar recalled that " pharmacies have been contributing to the sustainability of the health system for more than two decades and now it is time to work in a framework of stability and certainty that allows us to move forward in the work we are carrying out to offer a health service more assistance that benefits the patient and the system. "

In addition, he insisted that this necessary stability for the pharmacy should also facilitate " the equitable access of citizens to all medicines from community pharmacies, provided that their conditions of use permit, thus avoiding obstacles to the continuity of treatments" .

According to the Cgcof, since this order was published on September 19 that has affected more than 16,000 presentations of medicines , and until next November 1 pharmacies have been dispensing the available stocks at the previous price. As of Friday, with the entry into force of the new prices, pharmacies will dispense at a discounted price, assuming the difference in the stocks they still have in stock.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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