A new study violated all previous studies on the relationship between the number of hours of sleep per day and Alzheimer's disease, explaining that sleeping more than 9 hours a day enhances the chances of dementia.

According to the Daily Mail, several studies have agreed that Alzheimer's disease is linked to lack of sleep, but new research suggests the opposite where scientists found that people who slept for nine hours or more per night showed a significant reduction in memory and language skills, These are early signs of dementia.

Those who got less than six hours are also at risk, with researchers claiming good sleep hours range from seven to eight.

The experts pointed out that they do not know exactly why closing the eye often causes dementia, but they say that people at risk of dementia suffer from brain disorders, which promotes long sleep.

The team of academics at Miller University School applied research to 5,247 Hispanics over seven years.

Participants between the ages of 45 and 75 were part of the Latin Community Health Study across the country and were subjected to a neuropsychological test at the beginning and end of the study.

Previous studies have shown that Alzheimer's disease is more common among blacks and Hispanics, although the cause is unknown.