Hard to shoot a movie in Paris? Cédric Klapisch tells the microphone of Europe 1 how he managed to shoot his last film, "Two Me", in theaters on Wednesday. Asked about the state of the city, the director defended Anne Hidalgo.


While his film "Two Me", with Ana Girardot and François Civil, will be released in cinemas on Wednesday, Cédric Klapisch was the guest of Frédéric Taddei's program "En promenade avec ...", this Sunday on Europe 1. The two men ventured into eastern Paris, ranging from filming point to filming point. Arrived Rosa Parks station, the director explained the difficulty of shooting some scenes in the capital.

READ ALSO - Ana Girardot: "By accepting this role, I knew I was going to attend the big Klapisch"

"It's a city game where you can not do what you want, you can not just block everything like the Americans do big movies with Tom Cruise. So we used the city as it was, "says Cédric Klapisch at the microphone of Europe 1." The goal in 'Deux Moi' was to show the population around the two characters, people leave the station RER all the six minutes so we stalled on the passage of each train ".

"Do not put everything on the back of Anne Hidalgo"

Asked by Frédéric Taddei on the position of Jean-Pierre Jeunet, who considered that the city of Paris was increasingly hideous, Cédric Klapisch, on the contrary considers "that there are many very beautiful things in contemporary things", taking the example of the Rosa Parks station in the 19th arrondissement. "Modern architecture is not necessarily Montparnasse station, there are many more beautiful things," says Cédric Klapisch, who defended the project of the "Triangle Tower".

Later in the show, the director was invited to speak about the municipal elections of the capital. If he will not take sides as in 2014 for Anne Hidalgo, he still defends the current mayor of Paris. "A lot of people are shouting at her, but she's not the one who decides to do the work, it's true that I'm like everyone else's traffic jams and jobs, but I'm not putting that on the backs of Anne Hidalgo, "said the microphone of Europe 1 Cédric Klapisch.