We can now only have to decide how long the election campaign lasts: weeks or months. If pride allowed Pablo Iglesias to stop thinking like a gentleman, he would be aware of the power he has been acquiring over Pedro Sánchez .

The reappearance of the Government spokeswoman, Isabel Celaá , leaves a memorable hypothesis. That, together with the necessary support, rendered almost 190 seats, the Socialist decides not to appear at his endowment. Let him flee as the soul that the devil carries and become the saboteur of his own reelection .

The mere enunciation of such an approach by an official spokesperson is already crazy and reveals that the distinctive feature of sanchismo is impudence , an admirable and so natural nonchalance that makes its critics wonder if they will not be the ones who They have gone crazy.

In this unusual negotiation the yes of Podemos is already worth as little as the no and its ambition is as unacceptable as its resignation . Sánchez wants an impertérrito partner, who either stays in spagat for four years in exchange for the subdirection of the Costume Museum or assumes all the blame for a repetition of the elections.

When the complexes are loosened, the modes are often loosened and the dilemma that Socialist negotiators pose to Podemos is rude. For insulting and coarse. The winning movement left to Iglesias is so evident that socialist strategists must have anticipated that their testosterone will prevent him from executing it .

It would be enough if the pride of the gentleman was swallowed, he sent to the media, without prior notice, even with the negotiators still sitting at the table, a statement announcing his support, without counterparts or transactions, to an investiture of Pedro Sánchez. He would have to season it with the Franciscan prose that he already rehearsed in past electoral debates: talk about altruism and responsibility, about generosity with values ​​and just sacrifice . And also of the spirit of the Constitution, what noses, already put.

Now Sanchez would have the dilemma, which should decide what is bigger: if the slots of the electorate , already reduced to the condition of flock, or the power of the State for the conformation of consciences , understood as a fortress in which to resist , in the most absolute of solitudes, the greatest siege to which a ruler has ever been subjected since the democratic restoration. From what he would choose I have little doubt. Yes, what an electorate would ask if they trust a candidate for escape.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Pedro Sanchez
  • Isabel Celaá
  • Pablo Iglesias
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