In these fall prolegomena, where the political confusion is a lot and the economic landscape is overcast, the electoral expectations that seem to be glimpsed in the distance evoke a comic episode. The Indians of a tribe, trying not to be surprised by the winter, require the advice of the sorcerer. In order not to catch his fingers, the shaman clarifies that it is still too early to predict, although he presumes that a cold season is coming. His thoughtful response does not, however, prevent everyone from getting to work to collect firewood. Not fully satisfying a prediction made to get out of the way , the sorcerer calls the Meteorological Service. There they confirm that, in effect, very low temperatures will be recorded, which relieves him.

A few days later, theirs return to the load, confirming that the thermometer was going to be shivering and that they should walk on warning. Even so, the healer comes back into communication with Meteorology, where this time they apologize because they have to rectify their prognosis: the weather will go down more than predicted. The process continues to be repeated, while the aborigines strive to pile logs. Finally, not being able to completely frighten the fly that surrounds his ear, the augur transfers to the meteorologists a doubt that he does not stop spinning: "Why are you so convinced that winter will be so glacial?". And the expert's answer adds to the perplexity: "Look, the truth is that we ignore it. But the Indians have been collecting firewood for weeks as possessed."

With respect to an electoral repetition on 10-N, after the failed investiture of July and when the disagreements between PSOE and United We can persist, everything anticipates that this is the purpose that also encourages Pedro Sánchez, if the signals he emits are followed since, practically, the electoral night of the last Sunday of April. Since then, instead of putting all the meat in the grill to gather the necessary supports, it does not stop making provision of wood to go to the well-equipped ballot boxes.

Regarding the investiture entrusted to him by the King three months ago, he did not do his homework in June, nor does he seem willing to do so in September, beyond the flatus vocis. If in his first attempt he limited himself to giving a last-minute push with Podemos that ended up as the rosary of the dawn, after the summer break he reiterates the ruse to become the victim of the evils that he himself seeks. If he had that agreement at hand before picking up in Doñana , now everything will be more embarrassing. To the reluctance of Iglesias, there is the incontestable fact that the Catalan autumn - between the anniversaries of 11-S and 1-O, plus the impending judgment of the coup trial - will further overshadow the situation. The independentistas are not going to be very collaborative that we say. As ERC anticipated that he once urged him.

Pedro Sánchez takes up the strategy he had to recover the general secretary of the PSOE. It has supplanted the interlocution with the parties by a carousel of appointments with the choirs and dances of the subsidized left

For this reason, elections are being envisaged in which the PSOE, although it improves its seats optimizing its position of Government, equating to the 137 of Rajoy in 2016, it will be worth more, less point, of an unavoidable We can to complete the revalidation note . He will hope that Pablo Iglesias falls off the horse and the blow makes him see the light as Saul on the road to Damascus.

Cry to heaven that, with the European, regional and municipal executives already formed after a final election to the general elections and in the midst of enormous complexity in many of them, Sanchez's negligent inability to complete the royal commission of June 6. This prolongs the country's paralysis at a time of enormous political and economic difficulty. An improper frivolity of those who perform such a high task, even if it is in functions. It is only explained by his stubbornness in governing alone, like King Sun himself, without being given such a privilege his 123 seats.

Although it shows that it is closer to those who want to demolish the constitutional system than to those who support it - it validates the delivery of the Navarre City Hall of Huarte to Bildu as the phyloetarras demanded-, Sanchez has been able to configure Majorities left and right, having a dance partner on both sides of the chamber. However, he prefers to go after plebiscitary elections.

Like Boris Johnson in the institutional crisis that he has unleashed by suspending the United Kingdom Parliament for five weeks to execute his hard Brexit, putting in motion a Constitution of more than eight hundred years that, without being written, is engraved on the feeling and habits citizens, Sánchez benefits from the limited arbitration capacity of the Monarchy. Unlike Italy, where President Mattarella, a condotiero of the old Christian Democracy, has thwarted the play of the ultra-rightist Salvini from forcing early elections. Like here the socialist leader, except for the capitulation of United We Can. It does not seem, of course, according to what happened on Thursday in the debate on the rescue of emigrants from the NGO Open Arms, where the merciless vagration of Vice President Calvo was recorded. This one assumed to be "the girl of the sticks" of Sanchez, like those children that, in the feudal monarchies, bore the punishment that the royal ayo imposed on the heir.

If Isabel II has had to commune with the tragala of a prime minister who has not attended the polls as an applicant for the position, stamping her signature under the Norman expression La Reyne le veult (The Queen wants it), which still exists, far from her once a prerogative of veto under the formula La Reyne s'avisera (The Queen will think about it), here Felipe VI enjoys little maneuvering ability to unlock what Sanchez entangles playing with the patience of the Spaniards and in favor of their particular interests. With its irresponsibility, it damages the institutions as it already began with a motion of censure that should have been constructive, according to the Magna Carta, but which was destructive through its Frankenstein alliance with podemites, separatists and bilduetarras.

Sánchez benefits from the limited arbitration capacity of the Monarchy

In that drift, Sanchez takes up the strategy he had to recover the PSOE general secretariat after being removed by the barons by not respecting the red stripes that had been set. Thus, since his ill-fated investiture in July, instead of intensifying the negotiation with the parties, he has supplanted this interlocution with a carousel of appointments with the choirs and dances of the subsidized left. It was the path he undertook in the primary of his resurrection when Susana Díaz left him for dead and he pointed to the employment office in search of an honest trade, paraphrasing Borges in his Utopia of a tired man.

At first glance, it seems - appreciation that it does not have to be incompatible - that Sanchez intends with these concurrences to undermine and put pressure on Podemos, while sowing votes. In addition, meeting with these groups, simulates greater strength than its 123 seats. Like Queipo de Llano, he took over Seville in the Civil War pretending to command the Army of Africa when he only sent two Moorish squads from the Tercios de Regulares. Without reaching the hundred milites, he tripled his appearance by riding them in five trucks and circling through Seville the Red amplifying his visual effect with his radio bravado. First he circulated them uniformed of requeté, then of regular and finally of falangista.

Not surprisingly, many of the associations agreed by Sánchez are attached to the PSOE with different brands . They are extensions of which the party uses for its purposes and give the appearance of being autonomous representing, in passing, the genuine desires of civil society.

It is the explosion of the phenomenon of directism that, in 1998, in a communication that it sent to the Spanish Courts on the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of the Constitution, led Giovanni Sartori to assert: "20 years ago I was wondering: will democracy kill the democracy? Now I am even more certain that, with directism, the answer is yes. " The Italian political scientist alertly warned of the danger posed by the seduction of direttism, that is, about how direct democracy could devastate a representative democracy that is the only one that guarantees freedom.

While denouncing the existence of failures in parliamentary regimes that had to be repaired such as detachment between representatives and representatives, or the dubious qualification of those engaged in politics, Sartori pointed out that representative democracy cannot work well in a society that had made the last 40 years of "anti-elitism" his battle cry and that 20 years after his keynote address is a worldwide pandemic.

In his view, it being verifiable that direct democracy does not solve the problems of representative democracy, directism gained ground. "Not only," he argued, "because it offers a simplistic and easy-to-grasp solution for the simple, but also because it is finding virtually no opposition." On the other hand, the road is paved as in a Britain in which neither, in the heat of German bombing during World War II, closed its doors. Even Churchill faced a motion of censure. Hodierno - "or tempora, or mores!", Cicero would once again exclaim - his biographer Boris Johnson, who has based all his journalistic and political trajectory on lies, temporarily closes that House on which his democracy is founded.

In England, it used to be said that the disappearance of the mists would mean as much as if the monarchy collapsed, the banks broke or the judges threw their wig into the basket of papers, and so it seems to happen in this revolt time in which the democracies do not they succumb to violent coups , but through their slow, sometimes imperceptible, degradation by those who subvert the mandate of the polls.

For that reason, it is not possible to ask for who bends the Big Ben - the great bell of the clock of the Palace of Westminster, seat of the Parliament -, as in the verses of John Donne that inspired the novel of Hemingway on the Spanish Civil War, but for all The Democrats What better occasion to remember that the commemoration this September 7 of the 160th anniversary of the placement of the Big Ben clock.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Columnists
  • PSOE
  • We can
  • Seville
  • United We Can
  • Boris johnson
  • UK
  • WWII
  • Pedro Sanchez
  • Pablo Iglesias
  • Susana Díaz
  • Africa
  • Bildu
  • Open arms
  • ERC
  • Philip VI
  • Italy
  • Mariano Rajoy

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