The next package of US sanctions against Russia has come into effect. Experts say that these sanctions are formal, the worst in them is only the name, but in reality nothing will change. I don’t know, I’m not an expert. But I know why these sanctions were introduced. They were introduced because Russia allegedly violated some rules in the field of chemical weapons. While Russia destroyed all its chemical weapons under the control of the OPCW back in 2017. And the United States has not yet destroyed its own, although it is obliged to do so in accordance with the Convention on the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons. Watch your hands: the US, which has chemical weapons, is imposing sanctions for violations in the field of chemical weapons against Russia that does not have such weapons. If this is not complete madness, then what is complete madness?

The United States invaded Syria and is sitting there - and the aggressor is still Russia.

The Minsk agreements are not implemented by Ukraine - but progress in the Minsk process is called the condition for Russia to return to the G8 (which Russia, by the way, did not ask anyone).

The United States withdraws from the INF Treaty because Russia allegedly violates the INF Treaty - and immediately after that they test a missile that could only be developed while the INF Treaty was in operation. That is, it was the United States that violated it.

Russia is accused of interfering in US elections - employees of the US embassy in Moscow take part in a protest rally dedicated to the Moscow City Duma elections.

US Senator Ron Johnson proposes to conduct a military operation in the Kerch Strait and destroy the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline - and then the same senator declares that he was not issued a Russian visa, which he did not even apply for.

And I still, mind you, about Trump our Donald did not remember. Who wants to buy Greenland. Who wants to detonate hurricanes with an atomic bomb. Which advises Apple how to do its business. Which with one of its Twitter spreads markets twice a week. Which then introduces duties on Chinese goods, then does not introduce, and then again introduces. Which promised to make America great again, but almost brought it to a recession.

Then on the third day, Mikhail Borisovich Khodorkovsky gave an interview to the Italian newspaper Corriere Della Sera. In which he said that Putin does not understand the modern world. No, Mikhail Borisovich. Putin just understands the modern world very well. Otherwise, he would not have made such efforts so that Russia, God forbid, would not be part of this modern world. Because I don’t want to be a part of it. Because this is not any world, but a booth.

The late Anton Borisovich Nosik coined the expression “inverted world”. True, he applied it for the most part to the domestic political process (although everything is also in order here: Navalny calls to vote for communists hiding the criminal past, and most importantly the political event of the year, the elections to ... the Moscow City Duma), but now the whole world has turned upside down.

Only Russia, like a tumbler toy, continues to stand in the midst of all this crumbling global LEGO and stare in disbelief at what is happening. Well, not only Russia. Also China.

But there is, as they say, good news. A few years ago I was constantly in the feeling of imminent war. The number of contradictions that had accumulated in the world seemed to me such that without a big war it was simply impossible to resolve all these contradictions. The number of articles that I wrote on this subject could well serve as an anamnesis for some kind of psychiatric diagnosis.

However, now I have no such sensation. Is Trump with his punk presidency the cause. Or the clinical idiocy of US senators exposed against Trump. Or the absolute impotence of European politicians. Or my own age. But the feeling of imminent war disappeared. It turned out that any large war can be divided into many small ones. Large contradictions can also be divided into small ones and solve these small contradictions in the course of small wars. And even not wars at all, but private military operations. And while the soldiers of the two armies shoot at each other with high-precision weapons, which explode scary, but do not hit anyone, the commanders of these armies can eat ice cream together, discussing arms deals.

And I don’t know about you, but to me personally such a carnival world, devoid of bestiality, with fake sanctions and fake wars, seems much more suitable for life than the one that we had ten years ago. It seems that politicians all over the world are tired of this seriousness and decided to give a real fuss. Yes, you just imagine next to Trump and Boris Johnson at some joint press conference. It is clear why Tarantino began to shoot a great style - because his old movie is now life. Cars with mannequins behind the wheel and the robot Fedor writing on Twitter fly into space - well, what else do you want ?!

Okay, I’ll tell you more. At the weekend with my family were in St. Petersburg. We had dinner at the Tsar restaurant. Half of the room is Chinese. Performers are performing: girls in kokoshniks and men dressed as Cossacks in Soviet soldier's belts. Soviet songs are sung. Exactly at nine they deliver the liquor and the main Cossack says: “Well, now, according to tradition, for the king!” And he begins to sing “God save the king!” All the Chinese get up and drink immediately.

That's all I wanted to say.

The author’s point of view may not coincide with the position of the publisher.