Pedro Sánchez is giving with the most pomegranate of his tireless verbiage to the union, social, business, cultural, university and feminist groups of Spain. It aims to create a general climate that has done everything possible to avoid new elections , but that intransigence, on the one hand, of the PP and Cs, and, on the other, of Podemos, prevents investiture. He does not say that if he stepped aside and let another socialist candidate present himself, perhaps the blockade would be resolved.

Sanchez’s well-orchestrated campaign offers nothing. The president's do ut des is summed up in requiring everyone to surrender without conditions. He urges Casado and Rivera to refrain to facilitate the investiture. If they do not, they will be guilty of an election by almost all rejected.

With Iglesias, the president no longer accepts either the cooperation or the coalition government. It demands that we can give up. He has thrown a hostile opa. He wants Genuflex Iglesias under his monclovite rebut . Sanchez likes the ulula of the Tezanos polls and, therefore, on November 10 he hopes to exceed 40% of the votes. As Moncloa is better in hand than a hundred flying, he is willing to accept the endowment, as long as it is free. The shadow of Iglesias is elongated and his resignation to participate in the Government does not mean that he stops sanding the government machinery . Sanchez has 123 seats, but acts as if he had 193. He only recognizes Iglesias the right to kick, that is, the students in Salamanca in the fifteenth century to warm the frozen feet in winter. His position cannot be clearer: because of the other parties, the Spanish people will be forced to go to the polls again. That guarantees him to continue sitting in the chair seat of Moncloa until next January and, if Tezanos is right, enjoy at least another four years of comfortable government.

It will be necessary to agree, in short, that Sánchez is a Zambigo and zanquea . That is why he plays his cards to four bands and to pleasure; That is why he maintains the air of sufficiency that characterizes him and his permanent smile of late Gothic, while, between meetings and meetings, he has fun, playing to dig up the five Francoist arrows of the Quiver of History.

Luis María Anson , of the Royal Spanish Academy.

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