Miqui Puig (L'Ametlla del Vallès, Barcelona, ​​1968) has spent his life reinventing himself. Teen mod in the 80s, pop icon during the nineties indie explosion with Los Sencillos, television character, radio announcer, producer ... The man with a thousand faces is actually a cultured, kind and elegant music lover who would like to always be locked in the studio recording those love songs of exquisite melodies that only sound like Miqui Puig, our particular Morrisey.

"For better or worse, I have my own label. I was always obsessed with the productions until someone told me that mine was the chorus and since then I grab that," he explains in this interview. Immortal chorus comes loaded with his new album , the twelfth of a constant career despite the ups and downs, named 15 love songs, mud and motorcycles (The Spring Segell).

"The title refers to what was my first great passion before abandoning myself to music and underground cultures: biker clubs. There is also that idea of ​​going down to the mud, of moving along the path that is not marked and getting wet in some times when that attitude does not seem advisable, "he explains before continuing with his tour, which for the moment will take him on September 1 to Logroño (MUWI La Rioja Music Fest).

It would be the topic to associate Miqui Puig with nostalgia but it is impossible not to listen to new songs such as ' Montjuic ' and ' Comic's' and not to think of bands from the 90s such as Saint Etienne or Pet Shop Boys, a youth movement very different from that of today. " Nostalgia is used as a weapon but those are my references. Reggaeton flips me, you know? I have been a fan of Latin when nobody remembered Rubén Blades. And in my radio program I can prick Serge Gainsbourg and also Bad Gyal. Another thing is those who now point to the trap car and don't realize that they make a fool of themselves. "

He and Guille Milkyway (The Blue House) have been the two professors who have stood out in the Academy of Operation Triumph not because of the stridences but because of the cult references they have transmitted to their students, from Pulp to Aretha Franklin. On the set he met Amaia, the last great star that has come out of reality . " We can talk about it in five years, when its real draft is seen and all the television effect has been diluted. I don't know where it will reach, it has too much pressure. Getting up in the morning and seeing all those tweets of obsessive people is not healthy . "

The author of generational hymns like 'Bonito es' launches in his new album some of the most explicit messages of his career. "I am gay, I am Nazi ... I am trans, I am a whore ... I am red and fat fag," he says in Raros , one of the old issues that he has rethought and where he criticizes that intolerance towards the different that seemed crouched in Spain.

"What happens is that we had hidden fascism, but it was always there . Already in 96 we had to run away from Cordoba because our bus had the license plate of Barcelona . What bothers me is that on the way we have lost class consciousness I am the son of a peasant and in my house there was always culture and there was talk. That is my great baggage. "

It is described as allergic to politicians and flags, whatever their sign. "That of anarchism is poorly explained, the libertarian spirit that respects culture, ethics and work is not understood. I have become wet in politics all my life, perhaps always on the side of those who are not in fashion. That could have been my problem: that I have never taken a free photo to succeed. I belong to social struggles, I have collaborated with associations of AIDS victims, my brother is very involved in the PAH against evictions. That is my territory: the street ".

When Miqui Puig reads in the press that Barcelona is experiencing a dangerous time because of the high levels of insecurity, he smiles slyly and remembers the 80s. "Then we ran every day in front of many bad people. There was more drugs and crime than now. I am very fan of George Orwell's theory in 1984 , I think the media invents lies to serve their interests. That of blaming the poor paperless kids as if they were the cancer of society, in my case it will be that I don't I swallow it. "

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • music
  • Pop
  • culture
  • Barcelona

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