The Dubai Culture and Arts Authority launched the "Summer Heroes" humanitarian initiative, in which it honored the employees of the General Services Authority and the Dubai Design District, such as cleaning and security workers and others in similar professions. For their efforts and their active contribution to the service of society, which is in keeping with the objectives of the Year of Tolerance and promotes the values ​​of human communication.

Through this initiative, Dubai Culture seeks to delight the workers, create a positive relationship between them and the public, and convey their appreciation to them for their services, thus enhancing the cohesion and cohesion of the community, motivating them to increase the tender and production, UAE, which deals with the workforce as partners in the process of building and development, as well as the civilizational values ​​of the community calling for tolerance, starting from its leading position as a home for positive coexistence between different nationalities and cultures.

The Director General of Dubai Culture, Hala Badri, said that the "Summer Heroes" initiative was part of the "Year of Tolerance" vision of devoting efforts to building a tolerant society. In the framework of the Authority's efforts to establish values ​​of tolerance and humanity, To be an honor to the workers, recognition of their status and the importance of their roles in society. "We are traveling with our nation in the path of humanity to convey our community message, and to contribute to the UAE model of tolerance in the best way to the world," she said. Through this initiative, we seek to celebrate the workers, who contribute to making life in the UAE community easier, better and more beautiful. "

• An initiative that promotes community values ​​for tolerance.