While bloating is sometimes a sign of a serious medical condition, it is mainly due to diet.

A study by the independent University of Barcelona showed that what we eat has a huge impact on how we look.

The following is nutritional information to reduce swelling:

Avoid soft drinks and chewing gum. Soft drinks contain gas that in turn can blow the stomach. Instead, stick to ginger and mint tea to soothe the swollen stomach.

As for gum, it can swallow air and cause more gas to enter the stomach.

Beware of legumes:

Legumes are an excellent source of protein, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins and minerals. But most of them contain sugars called alpha galactosidase, which belong to a group of deceptive carbohydrates called "FoodMap". These can be the worst enemy of one who is most likely to bulge. It is a gas during fermentation process that can irritate people with irritable bowel syndrome because it causes gas, convulsions, diarrhea and this nasty swelling.

A French study found that if legumes were soaked and left to sprout, this would reduce vodemab. Vodacamp is a short chain of carbohydrates that are poorly absorbed into the small intestine.

Black-eyed cowpea may be easier to digest.

Fresh ginger:

Ginger, a powerful digestive agent, is used to calm stomach swellings and stomach cramps for centuries. It naturally stimulates digestion enzymes and protects the lining of the stomach.

Garlic and cooked onions:

Onions and garlic also contain fudmab, but cooking may reduce this effect on the digestive system and reduce bulge.

Eat smaller meals:

It is a simple trick with a great impact. Avoid large amounts of meals during meals and switch from three large meals a day to five or six smaller portions. This regulates blood sugar and makes you feel lighter in motion, and your belly flat.