The company develops a capsule containing all the medicines needed by the patient daily, using three-dimensional printing technology, according to the company's CEO, Fred Barretti, , For the Medim site.

It is difficult for patients to follow their medical description correctly, because it requires the intake of large numbers of medicines, and sometimes the patient to a large dose is not available, the doctor must prescribe a drug, and sometimes the patient needs a dose less than one pill can not find.

The capsule consists of several parts, each containing a specific drug. The thickness of the walls and their solubility vary, which helps control the timing of the exit of drugs.

3D printing helps produce large amounts of these capsules. "The company produces capsules and fills them according to the patient's need for medicines with great efficiency and speed, as the operation does not exceed several minutes," Barretti told the site.

• The capsule consists of several parts, each containing a specific drug.