The rain is coming and going in northern Gyeonggi-do and northern Gangwon, and in Seoul, the rain has passed a little bit in the morning.

The rain in these areas is due to the unstable atmosphere, yet cold air remains in the upper part of Korea, while the warmer south winds are introduced in the lower part, and the air of two different nature meets with the rain clouds.

Today (30th) Seoul and other metropolitan areas, Gangwon-do and northern Chungcheong province, rain clouds are well-formed, and it seems that rain will be reduced by 5 ~ 40㎜ by 6 pm.

In other provinces, rainy or sporadic raindrops may fall all day.

The explosion of hot weather has expanded and strengthened. Now, there are warning signs and warnings in the whole country excluding the northern Gyeonggi Province and northern Gangwon Province.

In the middle of the day, the Seoul Gion will rise to 32 degrees, and the Gangneung and Daegu will rise to 33 degrees.

The Meteorological Agency is presenting the outlook for the effects of the heat.

Especially, the places marked in orange on the map now indicate the warning level, and those in these areas should refrain from working outdoors.

Tomorrow, it will be raining in Gyeonggi province, and the heat storm may be released for a while.

(Chung Ju Hee Weather Caster)