

The news of criticism critic Goh Hyun-jun is just beginning. What is your first news today (30th)?

<Hyun Jun Goh / Editorial Reviewer>

Yes, a Yu-Tuber is abusing his puppy by throwing and throwing him.

When a male person was broadcasting a YouTube video, he was abusing the dog, throwing it in his bed, holding his nape and hitting his face several times.

When the police officers came to confirm that they had hit the dog, this u-tuber raised his voice, saying "I am wrong to hit my dog, my property is my heart". .

After the police went back, the law on animal protection was a mere law, and no one was punished for animal abuse.

The dog was reportedly accused of animal abuse by an animal rights organization in January, but the police have orally stopped the warning.

Animal rights groups insisted that the police did not want to be consistently accused of having a lukewarm attitude, and that the behavior of the Yoo Tuber appears to be more bold than before.

This video has spread through the SNS and has come to the Cheong Wa Dae National Petition to strengthen the penalties for animal abuse. Others have argued that this is happening because of the punishment even when abusing animals.


Yes, apart from criminal punishment, I feel that indifference is the biggest punishment for these willowbirds. I have a lot of thoughts. Let me hear from you.

<Hyun Jun Goh / Editorial Reviewer>

The following news is arguing that overseas volunteers participating in the Tokyo Olympics in 2020 should pay all their stay fees at their own expense.

The controversy began on the 20th of last month with the SNS of a Japanese businessman living in Indonesia.

An Indonesian woman who knew her was selected for her volunteer support at the Tokyo Olympics. She told her that she had to arrive three weeks before the contest and was disappointed to receive notification that there was no allowance for her stay.

Many of us who have seen this article have criticized the voluntary policy against volunteers, saying that they should be slaves, not volunteers, at least, accommodation.

In this regard, a Japanese nurse is drawing attention by calculating how much the volunteers from abroad are staying at the minimum cost. If you have to stay 3 weeks before the convention, you have to stay for 38 nights and stay at the capsule hotel It was estimated that our money would cost about 5.8 million won.

In fact, the Tokyo Olympic Organizing Committee has already announced the volunteer recruitment announcement in 2016, saying that it is all a self-pay burden.


Yes, even the word slave came out, did not the old slaves still feed and give it to you? Less than that, actually. Let me hear from you.

<Hyun Jun Goh / Editorial Reviewer>

This story is told in New York, USA. A one-year-old twin was left in the car for eight hours.

On the morning of the 26th local time, a man named Juan Rodriguez drove his children out in the car.

The man who went to work and set up a car near his workplace returned to his car in eight hours. After that, he found another twin in the back seat and drove out of the car and asked for help.

However, when the paramedics arrived, the children's body temperature was approaching 42 degrees, and the breath was not resting. The police arrested him for signs and negligence.

He went to the workplace knowing that he had dropped the men and children in the courtroom to the nursery, and he pleaded not guilty to accidental murder and misdemeanor charges.

Marissa, the child's mother and Rodriguez's wife, also demanded that he was a good father and had never done anything to intimidate children.

In the United States, an average of 38 children are trapped in cars and die of heatstroke every year. Recently, New York City has issued a statement saying, "Take a good look before you lock your car."


Yes, parents should keep in mind their children's vehicles.