“On Friday and Saturday summer heat will return to us, and this one, which was not in July yet. July is cold and rainy. On Friday and Saturday night + 14 ... + 17 ° С, during the day + 26 ... + 29 ° С, there will be a sunny weather background, without precipitation. These are the highest rates of the month. We put a fat point on it - there will be no more such temperatures. Starting from Sunday, a cold front will erupt. During the day, it will refresh to + 18 ... + 23 ° С, ”the forecaster said.

Tishkovets also noted that “an ultrapolar invasion into the rear part of the cyclone” is expected next week.

“The so-called iron gates open in the Kara Sea and cold arctic air will begin to rapidly enter us. The temperature will fall sharply, by Tuesday and Wednesday nights + 3 ... + 8 ° С and during the day + 10 ... + 15 ° С. These are indicators of the end of September - beginning of October. In terms of climate, the last time something similar was at the end of July in the seventies. That is, this kind of ultrapolar conditions occur once every 50-100 years. This is a very unusual phenomenon. But next weekend summer will return, but already in the August version - + 20 ... + 22 ° С, moderate, modest warmth, ”he concluded.

Earlier, the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia reported that in Moscow on Thursday, July 25, it is expected to be +25 ° C.