UK tries to set up European protection mission in Gulf after seizure of British-flagged tanker by Iran Friday, the UK's foreign minister said on Monday (July 22nd) was not looking for Tehran confrontation.

"We will now seek to set up a European maritime protection mission to support a safe passage for both crews and cargo ships in this vital region," Hunt told British MPs, noting that initiative would not be "part of the United States' policy of pressure on Iran". "We are not looking for a confrontation with Iran," he added.

"Prudence and foresight"

Prime Minister Theresa May convened a crisis cell on Monday and the government announced measures in a speech to Parliament.

On the side of Tehran, the head of diplomacy, Mohammad Javad Zarif, said Sunday that only "prudence and foresight" would mitigate current tensions.

Iran has also called on the UK to contain its "internal political forces," which it says are seeking escalating tensions between London and Tehran, Iran's ambassador to London said on Sunday.

"The government in London must contain the domestic political forces that want the tension between Iran and the UK to escalate, far beyond the question of ships, it is rather dangerous and imprudent at the moment. where the region is going through a delicate pass, "Hamid Baeidinejad wrote on Twitter. He further assured that "Iran [is] determined and ready for different situations".

UK government should contain those domestic political forces who want to escalate existing tension between Iran and the UK well beyond the issue of ships. This is a very dangerous time in the region. Iran, however, is firm and ready for different scenarios.

Hamid Baeidinejad (@baeidinejad) July 21, 2019

The director of the Hormozgan Port and Maritime Organization, Allahmorad Afifipour, told Iran's state television on Sunday that the 23-man crew of the oil tanker arrested on Friday by the Revolutionary Guards, Stena Impero. , were all healthy.

"We must, under the regulations, investigate the case [of" non-compliance with the international maritime code ", Editor's note] .The duration of the investigation will depend on the degree of cooperation of the parties concerned", he adds.

On Sunday, an audio montage broadcast by the maritime security company, Dryad Global, authenticated by the British Ministry of Defense, revealed the radio exchanges between the Iranian forces and the tanker shortly before his arrest.

The tanker ordered to change course

"If you obey, you will be safe, change your course immediately," the Iranian Revolutionary Guards ordered the British tanker.

For its part, the British frigate sent a message to the tanker reminding him that he did not have to obey the Iranian maritime forces since he was sailing in an international strait. "Our passage, under international law, must not be disturbed, hindered, blocked or curbed."

In a statement released on Sunday, Erik Hanell, the company's chief oil company, Stena Bulk, said he had asked permission from the Bandar Abbas port authorities to visit the detained crew in Iran.

"The request has been accepted, but we are waiting for a formal response," he said, "In the meantime, we will continue to cooperate and liaise with all relevant authorities."

With AFP and Reuters