A Hispanic version of the famous Vendée park will open at the end of August, with the ambition to be profitable from the first year.


The success of Puy du Fou can not be denied: with 2.3 million visitors a year, the Vendée site is the second most visited theme park in France, after Disneyland Paris. With this dynamism, the Puy du Fou prepares the opening of its Spanish park in Toledo, south of Madrid. The first international variation of the Vendée park will present its first nocturnal shows from August 30, before the complete opening of the park by 2021.

Already 1,600 people work on the site

This is the first challenge of this park: to sum up in a show of 1:15 no less than 1,500 years of history of Spain. By the end of August, 4,000 people will be able to attend the performance of Songes of Spain every evening. "Our night shows are a bit like our nuggets, so we start with that and we give ourselves the time that word of mouth can start working before opening the park", explains Erwan de la Villéon, who heads the Spanish site.

Started in winter, the large construction site of the Spanish Puy du Fou advance against the clock under the heat of the sun of Toledo. The site covers 160 hectares and will have its own motorway exit, while 1,600 people are currently working on site. On the economy side, developers plan to achieve profitability in the first year.

Avoid the cliché "based on paella and flamenco"

For the Puy du Fou, it was necessary to ask a question: which public should he touch in priority with this first declination abroad, before a likely opening soon in China? "We speak to the Spanish first," says Erwan de la Villéon. "If we talk to them, foreigners will come in. If we talk to foreigners, we will end up making a cliché based on flamenco and paella that will not work in Spain."