“In Khasansky district, the showers will begin on the afternoon of July 21, in the rest of the districts - on the night of July 22,” RIA Novosti quotes the head of Primhydromet Boris Kubai.

He said that the rains "will be accompanied by a storm wind of mostly southern direction, gusts of 20-25 m / s", "also storm surges on the coasts are not excluded."

"In the city of Ussuriysk, flooding of certain areas is possible due to rainwater flow," Kubai said.

According to him, on the morning of July 22, a typhoon will approach Vladivostok and “the typhoon cloud massifs and the atmospheric front will merge and a sharp exacerbation of the latter will occur”.

“The result will be intense downpours with precipitation in a short period of time (less than a day) to 100-140 millimeters (100-130% of the monthly norm,” added Kubay.

Earlier, the head of the World Wildlife Fund's climate program, Alexei Kokorin, in an interview with the TV channel Zvezda announced the unstable nature of the weather and future natural anomalies in Russia.