“The bad story in Yekaterinburg: in the morning, the municipal workers of the Ordzhonikidze district for some reason began to cover up the artist’s large-scale work with tar and asphalt,” he wrote on Instagram.

As the head of the region noted, the work was created legally as part of the Stenografiya festival.

“We understand what happened. We will think how to restore the product. Ekaterinburg is proud of its street art, the incident is outrageous, ”he added.

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Posted by Yevgeny Kuyvashev (@evgenykuyvashev) on Jul 19, 2019 at 12:13 pm PDT

According to URA.RU, referring to the press service of the city’s mayor’s office, the artist’s work was spoiled by public utilities during the repair of the pedestrian crossing.

It is indicated that on July 19, repair work was carried out on the area of ​​the First Five-Year Plan, as a result of which damage occurred.

The mayor’s office stressed that the incident “due to the fault of individual unfair employees is unacceptable.”