Former Miss Russia, Riana Oksana Vojvodina, released a video showing her love for the former king of Malaysia, Sultan Mohammed V.

"I will certainly take care of him and I want to be the last woman in his life, and I want to live with him to death," said Miss Russia in the video, which she published through her official account at the social networking site "Instagram".

The former king of Malaysia has stressed that love is important and wonderful, but after a few years the understanding will be replaced. Therefore, having children should be the most important thing for the family as they will maintain the parents' legacy.

The section has sparked controversy among social networking leaders about the details of the footage, which has attracted high viewing sensations since it was released the evening before yesterday.

The story of the former King of Malaysia and his Russian wife has become a major focus, following reports that a divorce certificate has been leaked to end Monday's marriage.

The leaders of the sites of communication traded divorce certificate, but it was not disclosed the reason for ending this marital relationship, which aroused a sensation of curiosity.

"The divorce process carried a categorical character, or what is known in Islam as a divorce by the three," he said.

The former king of Malaysia had abdicated in January after seeking leave for treatment, while rumors of his marriage to Oksana Vojvodina were immediately spread.