Vantes, who is accused of falsehood and exaggerated advertising and has been sentenced to jail time,

Vans has claimed "innocence" through a long-awaited article on his instagram yesterday. In the article, Vantz said, "I was old on the side of the prosecution, but I still plead not guilty, and the verdict will be released on August 12, and the former is not the final judgment on this case."

"I am really sorry that I have been disappointed because I can not look at it more thoroughly, because I am doing business directly as a representative, not as a model," he said. "I am totally responsible for everything related to ' I apologized.

"It's no problem at all with our products," said Vantz. "It was a problem because it was a good quote from our product that gave us a chance to post a testimonial, "

Finally, he reminds me that "The secret of my own", the product of I-Moo-Yoo, has been certified as a product by the manufacturer and has no defects in the ingredients or efficacy of the product, Added.

Vantes was indicted on charges of misrepresenting that the food he sells at his health-food company 'It Moo-y' is as diverse as the diet.

The prosecution said that the ad said, "If you eat the food you sell, it will help reduce your body fat," the prosecution said.

Meanwhile, the trial against Vans is expected to be held on the 12th of next month.

(Composition = Shin Ji-soo Editor, Photo = Bansu Instagram)

(SBS Steve Star)