Benefiting from extensive media coverage "Passions", the latest book by Nicolas Sarkozy published late June, ranks the top book sales in France, according to the rankings of the GfK Institute.

Released on June 27, "Passions", the autobiographical account of former president Nicolas Sarkozy, ranks at the top of book sales in all genres, according to the GfK rankings to be published Friday in the professional magazine Livres Hebdo .

A book with 200,000 copies

The book, printed 200,000 copies by the editions of the Observatory (Humensis group), has received exceptional coverage in the media. "Passions" is ahead in the GfK ranking of the holiday book, "Passport of the 6th to the 5th" (Hachette Education) and the pocket edition of Raphaëlle Giordano's bestseller, "The day lions eat salad green "(Pocket). Head of State between 2007 and 2012, Nicolas Sarkozy evokes in "Passions" his political career, which began with a meeting of the RPR in Nice in 1975, followed by a meeting in Matignon with the then Prime Minister, Jacques Chirac, omnipresent over the 360 ​​pages of this first volume.

>> READ ALSO - In Passions, Nicolas Sarkozy delivers his personal memories ... and politics

The former president also speaks at length about his private life, his second wife Cécilia who told him "his desire to divorce" the day of the televised debate between the two presidential elections in 2007, or his meeting with Carla Bruni, "the more important of [his] life ". Former presidents seem popular with readers. François Hollande, his successor at the Elysee, has sold more than 140,000 copies of his book "The lessons of power" (Stock 2018, The Pocketbook 2019).

Nicolas Sarkozy has already published many books including "At the end of the passion, the balance", book of interviews with Michel Denisot (Albin Michel, 1995), "Libre" (Robert Laffont, 2001), "The Republic, the religions, hope "(Cerf, 2004)," Testimony "(XO, 2006)," Together "(XO, 2007)," France for life "(Plon, 2016) and" Tout pour la France "( Plon, 2016).