“Baikal drinking water is taken from the main volume, from a depth of at least 20 meters. Baikal water is not intended for constant drinking, because it does not contain the necessary mineral salts for humans, ”RIA Novosti quotes.

He explained that it can be used for drinking only for dessert purposes, and for constant drinking it is too pure, like distilled.

“So far, deep-water Baikal is coping with pollution, as it has been doing for millions of years,” Danilov-Danilyan assured.

Earlier, the director of the Limnological Institute of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Andrei Fedotov, stated that the concentration of toxin-producing bacteria in the Baikal had increased to extreme values.

During a speech at the All-Russian Water Congress, he said that in a short time the water from the lake could not be drunk.