Egyptian film critic Tariq al-Shennawi denied that the new postponement of filming "Flantino" caused the deterioration of the status of the veteran Egyptian star Adel Imam, after rumors circulated by some news sites and social networking sites confirmed that the reason behind the completion of filming the series is .

"The Egyptian star is in very good health and the delay of filming the series is due to be shown during Ramadan in 2020," he said, adding that 40 percent of the series were filmed.

The Egyptian film critic added that the rumors circulated by some about Adel Imam face problems in remembering the text, and it takes a long time in filming is incorrect, explaining that it is usually taking into account the progress of the life of the actor during filming, and this happens with everyone is not just fair.

It is noteworthy that the filming of the series has stopped abruptly in the past as well, where the work of "leader" for the drama of Ramadan for the first time in almost seven years.

An imam of a businessman named Nour Abdel Majid, Flanetino, he embodies the problems and crises of his school chain, as well as many emotional stories.

And "Flantino" written by Ayman Bahgat Amar, directed by Rami Imam, starring Adel Imam, Dalal Abdel Aziz, Rania Mahmoud Yassin, and many artists.