Reports about it RIA News.

“It should be recalled that Tatiana Doronina is the chairman of the Moscow Art Theater Art Council, which is precisely designed to influence the repertoire policy of the theater. The artistic director, for his part, should listen to the opinion of the council and build a repertoire plan based on his recommendations, ”the Ministry of Culture’s press service said.

It is noted that the department is monitoring the situation.

A spokesman for the Russian president, Dmitry Peskov, added that the Kremlin did not see the appeal of the artists.

“We have not seen so far, but, to be honest, I never knew that it was the Russian president who appointed the artistic directors of the theater. If I am not mistaken, this is not the prerogative of the head of state, ”he said.

Earlier, a video appeared on the network with several actors and spectators of the Moscow Art Theater named after Gorky, who asked Russian President Vladimir Putin to return Tatyana Doronina the opportunity to influence his artistic policy.