A Canadian passenger lived a moment of terror on an Air Canada plane after the passengers and the hosts departed and remained stranded because she was in deep sleep.

According to the Sun newspaper, Tiffany Adams had traveled from Quebec to Toronto, and the trip was not more than an hour and a half, and in the middle of the trip she slept on the passenger, did not realize the arrival, and went away all, while she was asleep in her seat, and woke up after hours of Arriving around midnight, she found herself stuck in total darkness and cold.

Adams said: She was not able to see anything, which caused her panic.

Because her phone was not charged, she could not call anyone until she reached the airport management. She could not charge because the engine was idle, and she was still moving in the plane, blindly, until she glimpsed a light in one of the doors, For a distant person at the airport.

When an employee took the luggage, he found the passenger standing in the door of the plane, which was 15 meters high and was taken out.