After school, actress Lee Joo-yeon sits alongside Big Bang's G-dragon and uploaded a video and then rushed it.

Lee Joo-yeon uploaded a video with G-dragon on his SNS last 30 days. In the video, the two are composing funny characters on their faces and making a playful look. However, Lee Ju-yeon deleted the video shortly after it was posted.

This is not the first time Lee Ju Yeon has uploaded a video with Dragon. In October, 2017, Lee Joo-yeon was involved in an open-air episode after uploading a video shot with Gide Dragon in a synthetic application.

When the fans of G-Dragon asked the reason why they uploaded the video, Lee Joo-yeon got an eye-catching response by saying "I do not have to be anxious."

The dragon, who is currently serving in the military, is approaching the whole 11th. The dragon was promoted to a corporal disease in March, two months later than the incentive to join the army because he could not pass the promotion examination.

(SBS funE Kang Kyung Yun)