The mobilization continues, two days before the European election. In France, there were still thousands of young people - including around 15,000 in Paris - to parade Friday, May 24 to call on leaders to do more against global warming.

This second big day of climate strike, however, mobilized less than March 15. In the capital, 14,800 people marched, at a brisk pace, from Opera to Republic, according to a count of the firm Occurrence for a collective of media. In March, they were between 29,000 and 40,000 according to sources. "Sorry Mom, I dry like the planet", summed up a sign.

In the crowd, 16-year-old Franco-German Pauline, already there in March. She shows her "Make no CO2" sign with an EU flag: "The European elections are very important because it is the last Parliament that can do something" before it is too late for the climate, believes -t it.

"Sixth extinction, all in action"

At the head of the procession, anti-capitalist militants. Anti-nuclear activists, anti-publicity picking up posters, a handful of yellow vests were also seen. Before the departure, some demonstrators had gone to the town hall of the 19th arrondissement to remove the official portrait of the president Emmanuel Macron, within the framework of a campaign of "stall" led for three months to claim more action against the warming . Portrait they wore during the walk.

In Lyon, the day was attended by 3,000 people according to the organizers, 2,000 according to the prefecture, with the banner "Sixth extinction, all in action". The mobilization was lower than in March (12,000), but the organization showed its satisfaction after the holding of several civil disobedience actions: 60 trees planted and six sections of bicycle paths painted with the bomb. According to the association Alternatiba, two minors were arrested for tracing the false tracks.

In Montpellier, 1,400 (prefecture) to 3,000 (organizers) young, accompanied by teachers, trade unionists and yellow vests, parade energetically. "State of Climate Emergency", "No nature, no future", said their banners. "Greenhouse gases, plastics in the seas, this society, we do not want!", They chanted, also hooting electoral signs installed for Sunday's Europeans.

"Keep the Earth before aiming at the Moon"

Several teenagers paraded in underpants with vine leaves: "The Hot must not go on", "Keep the Earth before aiming at the moon", could be read on the placards. A strike notice had been filed by a large inter-union at the University of Montpellier.

In Nantes, 2,600 demonstrators, according to the police, participated in a "die-in" before walking in a heated atmosphere.

Elsewhere, they were around 100 in Tours, a few hundred in Marseille, 500 in Rennes, between 750 and 1,500 in Dijon, 650 in Angers according to the police (against 3,600 on March 15), 650 in Grenoble and 700 in Valencia according to the police, 500 in Clermont-Ferrand, between 300 and 400 in Bordeaux, ditto in Toulouse. "Terran, without the land, you're nothing," said a banner Marseillaise.

With AFP