
Today (24th) is expected to be the hottest weather in the whole country this coming. In Seoul, the first storm warning was issued a month earlier than last year. Seoul's temperature will rise to 32 degrees and Daegu to 35 degrees. When the early summer heat is said to last until the weekend.

I am a reporter.


The temperature of the whole country is rising rapidly in early summer heat.

Daegu's temperature will rise to 35 degrees today, Gangneung will be 34 degrees, Seoul and Daejeon will be 32 degrees. This is the highest temperature this year.

As the temperature rose sharply, some of the storm warnings that were posted in some Yeongnam and Gyeonggi provinces were extended to most areas of Seoul, Gyeonggi, Gangwon, Gwangju, Chonnam, and Yeongnam.

Warming warning in Seoul is one month earlier than last year, and it is only three years since 2016 that notice of the heat wave in Seoul area in May is given.

The reason why the temperature rises greatly is because hot air comes in from the southwest side and it falls down strongly to the sunlight.

In the sunshine, the nation's ozone concentration will rise from 'poor' to 'very bad'.

The Korea Meteorological Administration estimates that the temperature in Seoul will rise to 31 degrees tomorrow and Daegu to 34 degrees tomorrow.

When the early summer heat starts to rain next week around Monday, the Meteorological Agency predicts it will be broken.