Singer Moses has been informed of the damage caused by drinking accident.

Moses informed him that he was hospitalized in a traffic accident through his instagram on the 23rd, and he showed pictures of the car that was damaged by the accident and a black box image of the situation at the time of the accident.
If you look at the public footage, the car that follows the vehicle that Moses boarded collided at the same speed it was running without maintaining a safe distance. The car that Moses was on in this accident was severely crushed and damaged.

Moses said, "I was caught in the midst of midnight on 20th, and suddenly there was a feeling of 'pounding' with the sound of the pelvis.

"I do not think there is any trauma, but the car I care about is going to cross the bridge of the clouds, who can be responsible for my dream car," he said. .
In this regard, Moses also left another long text on the 24th.

Moses appealed to the aftermath of an extreme traffic accident and said, "I have never been so tough this time. I seem to be angry because everything is wrong without my fault."

He said, "I left the music industry and recently decided to sing again with the company invitation ... I was about to listen to a new song in response to the concert type program coming in next month." I'm afraid I will. "

"If you see the perpetrator who has caused the accident now, you will be very angry. Why do you have to go through this situation without any mistake ... Please do not drive under the influence of alcohol."

On the other hand, Moses debuted in 2005 and received a great love from the public for his hit song 'Love In Girls'. After that, he participated in various drama OSTs and proved his vocal skills. He is currently working as a music producer in Content Cube.

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BumKim (@ mose0307) 's Share this post on May 20, 2010 2:54 AM PDT

(Composition = Hallyu editor, Review = Kim Doo-kyun, Source = Moses Instagram)

(SBS Steve Star)