It is a somewhat predictable situation, but the heat momentum is overwhelming even before summer begins. As spring and autumn become shorter, there is much worry that only summer and winter will be left. However, there are some early heatwave specials all over the western provinces and coasts except the coast.

Seoul's temperature rose to 33.4 degrees, the highest level this year. Today (24th) Gyeongbuk, Yeongcheon, Gyeongbuk, Sinai Gion has recorded 35.9 degrees, and hot heat, which is equal to the midsummer, warmed the earth. In the south, hot air comes in, and the sun shines all day long, so the temperature must rise.

In May, the May heat storm is only three years since May 20, 2016. In the summer of 2016, it was a year of extreme heat that I do not want to remember. Is it because of bad memory? It is not a pleasure to warm up in May.

It is so hot since May, how do you endure this summer? I am already worried about it, so how hot is this summer again? Maybe it's hotter than last year?

In the end of May, the Meteorological Agency will provide weather forecasts during the summer months. It is a three-month weather forecast from June to September. The reason why we do not call it forecast is because it is looking at the big current at a long time and it does not match the expression of forecasting the weather. Of course, reliability is low.

The key point of the weather forecast for this summer's weather forecast is "It's hot this year, but I will not be losin 'like last year." Once the heat starts, there may be a time to rest, unlike last year when I saw the end, so the temperature change is likely to be more severe than last year.
Although it is a very difficult prospect, I will organize by month based on my experience. The current heat wave is expected to rain early in the first week of the week, but it is expected to hit hot weather as early as this month when it enters June.

There is a possibility that the temperature will rise to around 35 degrees when the heat of the inland like China flows into our country and it accumulates. It is unfortunate that this kind of heat is cool, but unfortunately in the mid-June of the middle of the year, there is a possibility that the stomach cost that was poured out may be delayed this year.

However, the southern region is expected to have a longer period of rain rather than the central region, as rain clouds will be more likely to spread rain in late June.

If you enter in July, full-fledged costumes will climb up and down the central and southern regions. In recent years, there has been a strong tendency for rain to be concentrated in early July, and this trend is likely to continue this year, but the regional disparities are not likely to be small, and the wisdom of effectively collecting and managing water is needed.

Compared to the first half of July when the rain was frequent, the second half of July is likely to be accompanied by a harsh heat wave while the loud battle is running down. In fact, this is also the time to decide the heat this summer, hot sunshine is sunny but it is not easy to withstand the heat due to high humidity.

Although the possibility is not great, it is expected that the intensity of the heat wave this summer will exceed the original forecast if the heat wave starts immediately in the latter half of July after the end of the rainy season early this year.
August is probably the hottest month, a year when the heat wave is getting worse and the heat is getting worse. This year is no exception. From the end of July to the first half of August can be considered the peak of the heat this summer.

But this year, there was one variable in the heat of August. Sometimes the cold air from the north comes down to the Korean peninsula, and the temperature is lowered, and the heat may go off occasionally. It is not too much to say that the outlook of the meteorological agency that this heat wave is less than last year is due to the possibility of the cold weather.

The problem is that this cold air is expected to frequent local rains, where strong rain is concentrated in a small area, when the hot air that stays on the Korean Peninsula is competing with the forces. If this heavy rain continues, there will be a lot of damage.

Another typhoon is typhoon. Typhoons are still quiet, and there are about 11 to 13 typhoons in the three months from June to August. One to three of them are expected to affect the typhoon. Although the number of typhoons is similar to that of normal, it is worrisome because the analysis that Typhoon going to our country is likely to be stronger as the time to stay in the sea becomes longer.

In fact, as mentioned before, it is not possible with the present human technology to accurately predict the weather situation after three months. Therefore, I do not see any of the above - mentioned views going to fit like cogs, but the general weather trend is likely to look like a prospect.

The heat is weaker than the forecast and the number of storms is lower than the forecast, so I hope that all of the citizens will be able to spend this summer without any notice.

(Photo: Yonhap News)