Every day, Axel de Tarlé takes stock of the economy.

La Poste will turn some post offices into a residence for seniors.

La Poste has a fundamental problem, its reason for being is shirking under his feet since one writes less and less. The mail decreases each year by 6%.
La Poste is therefore faced with a strategic choice. What to do ? To liquidate the company or give it a new mission in a dynamic sector?

The choice of Silver Economy is the economy of gray, trying to meet the needs of a society where people live longer and are more isolated.
For this, La Poste has assets. First of all, the network, since the mailman goes to your home six days a week. But it also has a genuine sympathy capital. When he rings at home, we let the factor go home.
It is therefore ideal to break the isolation of the elderly.
In the absence of delivering mail, La Poste offers many services for the elderly, such as the delivery of meals or medicines.
There is also the "Watch over my parents" service, for which the postman makes sure that a person is doing well every day.

Same problem with its buildings since La Poste sometimes has sumptuous buildings become useless in the heart of cities, housing functions or courier centers.
What to do? Sell ​​them or just try to recycle them as part of this Silver Economy policy.
La Poste is looking for a partner to transform 14 buildings, 14 hotels of the Post Office in residence service seniors, Perpignan, Metz, Roubaix, Brest, Le Mans or Annecy. These are not Ehpads but homes for the elderly in the heart of medium-sized cities.

Does it work ? Does this turning point to the "Silver Economy" bear fruit?

It works very slowly. As for the "watch over my parents" service, La Poste registers only 7,000 contracts signed two years after its launch.
Let's hope that it works because La Poste is a group of more than 200,000 employees including 70,000 factors.

Read the article Le Figaro - La Poste wants to turn buildings into a residence for the elderly

Read the article Echoes - La Poste wants to convert post hotels into senior residences

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