Current events, topics in tune with the times and discovery: two hours to do "The trick of the question". Accompanied by Julie, Wendy Bouchard initiates the debate, invites listeners to exchange live, and surrounds herself with specialists to answer their questions.

Subject 2: Claude Lelouch, the eternal lover

This year at the Cannes Film Festival, Claude Lelouch is back with The most beautiful years of a life, the sequel to A man and a woman, 53 years later. "I wanted to film the eyes and the wrinkles that are around," says the director to multiple successes. Return on an incredible career and meeting with a filmmaker, his artistic universe which embodies alone our collective heritage.

Claude Lelouch,


Nicole Croisille, singer, dancer and actress

Elsa Zilberstein,


Didier Barbelivien,

Author, composer, performer