A controversial Palme d'Or. While actor Alain Delon will receive, on Sunday, May 19, an honorary distinction at the 2019 Cannes Film Festival for his entire acting career, the award is not to the taste of several feminist associations.

Among them, Les Effrontées, whose spokesperson Marion Duquesne explains to France 24 in what way the delivery of this Palme poses a problem: "A man like Alain Delon uttered racist, homophobic, misogynistic, but especially he was violent towards his wife ".

While "granting the presumption of innocence" to the actor "who, until proven otherwise, still prevails", Marion Duquesne recalls the commitments of the Cannes Film Festival in 2018: "Last year, [the director of the ] festival is committed to fight against sexist and sexual violence.Thus reward a man who is accused, and of which we know that he made misogynistic remarks, it sends anyway a message a little mean compared to a festival who claims to fight against this violence. "

And the spokesperson of the association Les Effrontées recalls "the importance of raising awareness" to these questions: "It's important to make people understand that we can not say anything and that words have an impact, and that they are part of a global culture, a patriarchal and misogynistic system ... If we do not say anything and let it go, we come to things like the Weinstein affair. "